School Hours

School Hours:

PreK, Kindergarten, and 1st Grade- 8:20am-1:50pm

2nd – 8th Grade- 8:35am-3:05pm 

Middle School Academy: 8:35 am – 3:05 pm

On Wednesday all student are dismissed at 2:05 pm.

School is in session during these hours. Please be prompt to drop-off and pick-up your children. If arriving late, your child will be asked to obtain a late pass from the office.  No student will be released within the final 30 minutes of the school day unless the principal determines it is an emergency.​

Breakfast:  7:30am – 8:15am

(Breakfast is free to all Miami-Dade County Public School students.)​

Lunch: 10:30am – 1:00pm
(All students may buy lunch. The cost is $ 1.25 per day. Students may also bring their own lunch to eat in the cafeteria.)​

Media Center:  8:35am – 3:05pm
Our state-of the-art media center is open to all students during school hours.​

Visitors:  All people who enter the school building must first report to the main office to sign-in and obtain a visitor’s pass.​

School Uniforms are mandatory. Uniform shirts can be purchased on campus from the PTA.​

To set up an appointment with Ms. Pena please call the main office at (305) 271-7411. Counseling and advisement is available to students individually as well as on a small group and large group basis.